Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Headed for surgery on the knees tomorrow in the morning. Will try to keep everyone updated as often as I can. Thanks for all the good wishes, support and prayers that have been coming my way.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back to the Grind

I'm back to work on Monday!
I think it is going to be a shock to my system.
I've been trying to get myself ready; EARLY to bed, EARLY to rise and NO naps!
Ugh, I loved my naps.

I'm going to miss all the time to read!
Visits with my FAMILY!
Visits with my friends!
Visits from the "grandkids"!
Sleeping late!
Staying in my PJs all day!

I'm very grateful for the wonder people in my life who have made
these last eight weeks much easier than I had


Friday, February 5, 2010

Hold Onto Your Hats

Yes, it is true! I am writing a new post. I know it is hard to believe, but I thought a year was about as long as I should let this blog stand idle. I know that many of you have switched to Facebook and I too have a Facebook account but I'm not any better with that than I am at blogging. I do so appreciate those of you who do keep up with your sites. It's good to know what is going on in your lives and enjoy your wit, compassion and spirit.

So, what has been going on with me in the last year?

In May, I turned 56 years old! Never thought that would happen! It kind of caught me off guard and began me thinking about RETIREMENT. In June, I completed my 27th year of teaching in the Pembroke School District, which again got me thinking about retirement. Many of my teaching companions have retired recently and I'm one of the most seasoned (that means old) teachers at TRS. I'm having a hard time with this decision as I'm not sure I'm really ready yet. I love working with the kids! At this point I'm going for thirty years which would have me retiring at the end of the 20011-12 school year. WOW!

In July, I bought a new car. Surprise! it's a SUBARU outback wagon. I looked at and researched a lot of options but in the end, couldn't give up my reliable and sturdy Subaru. (So glad I didn't get a Toyota.) It is a pretty charcoal grey with a charcoal interior as well. If you have kids, I don't recommend the dark upholstery. It's always dirty. Here's another big surprise, I got an automatic. I have driven a manual transmission for about 40 years. I still try to shift all the time. The kids say I'm hopeless, but I'm getting better and like it on the most part. It still scares me in the snow. I can't down shift!!! It's like learning to drive all over again in the bad weather.

I guess the biggest news for the year, it that in December, I had surgery to remove excess skin and fat around my abdomen. This has been quite a relief but more importantly, it opens the way for double knee replacement surgery in the spring. I am excited about both of these procedures. Over the last years I have lost a lot of function and was becoming very frustrated with not being able get around and do the simplest of thing. I'm looking forward to a very active summer, and a positive busy 2010-11 school year.

I'd like to thank my family for their loving support and assistance during and after the surgery. Christmas, even in the hospital, was wonderful. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts, even my beautiful new stocking hanging on an IV pole. I was wonderful to come home to a clean, well organized home and my new sheets are the best. All the repairs to my home have been a blessing. Thank you again so much, I love you all.

Also, a big thank you to all the wonderful friends who have kept me in their prayers and helped me out during my convalescence. (overnights, cleaning, dishes, laundry, groceries, company, trips to the drug store, outings, get well cards, etc., etc., etc.) Cindi, trips to the doctor have never been so fun, watching you following me around with a chair so I could sit if I needed to. And Heather you are one great wheelchair operator. No moss growing on those wheels!!

Love you guys,
all of you!!!

Hopefully it will not be so long before I post again, but don't hold your breath.