Tuesday, July 22, 2008

1. As a comment on my blog,(if you would be so kind)
leave one memory that you have of us together.
It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
This blog curtisy of LL.
1. blogging friends
2. summer
3. living in the lakes region

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Long Past Due

Sorry folks, I’m not real good at this blogging thing. The creative juices just don't flow as well as with some of you.

It has been an interesting summer so far, beginning with my nephew’s wedding. It was great weather if a bit hot that first weekend in June. The wedding ceremony was beautiful. The vows were fairly traditional, but the overall ceremony was a little different. I liked it quite a lot. Each of the groomsmen and the bridesmaids had a part in the ceremony. The theme was about the importance of our hands in the carrying out of the marriage vows. Hands are used to caress, to help. to hold, etc. It was beautiful.

The marriage ceremony took place in a little church in Center Sandwich (10:00 am). Then back to camp Quinnibarg for a lunch. then down to the lake to see the bride and groom arrive by canoe. After that, we all changed and had some fun in the sun.

At 5:00 pm, we returned to our cabins and got dressed in our fancy clothes, had cocktails (ginger ale for me) and dinner with dancing right at the camp. It was so much fun. The food was great, the company was even better and I danced up a storm if you can believe that! Just a good time all round. (Pictures to follow when I can get my hands on some.)

The kids rented the youth camp for the weekend. The guests all stayed in the cabins at the camp. There were many activities throughout the day and evening including, swimming, boating, kickball, basketball, bocce, and in the evenings there was always a bonfire.

Next were a couple more weeks of school and some very hot weather for New Hampshire. I was informed that I would be moving up with my student s which prompted a room change, thus a need to pack up my entire room. Thankfully Maria, a friend, took pity on me and helped out the day after school got out and all the packing and labeling got done in a reasonable time. THANKS MARIA!!!! After about 10 years in 5th grade, I finally got promoted.

Then a week at YW Girls’ Camp. AWESOME!!!! No responsibilities. I was a kitchen waif and just did what I was told. Who knew it could take 2 hours to tear up lettuce to make tacos for 150 people! I also helped out with water watching at the waterfront. Both of these jobs were great. It was so nice to be back at camp. It has been a few years and I have missed it. It is also great to see some of our campers from years past return as leaders. It has been such a blessing to watch these beautiful young women grow into terrific women who still love camp. It was also good to get caught up with old friends. Just one little complaint, my room mate snored quite a lot and was scared of the dark. I had to hold her hand a lot. She made me lock the door at night and I nearly broke my nose on it trying to get out one morning in my rush to the potty. I love you Cindi! Thanks for letting me help out.
Today's Blessings
1. family
2. girls' camp
3. good friends

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today is my birthday. It has been wonderful. Lots of people have wished me a happy birthday, sent cards, called on the phone, given gifts, and spent time with me. I even had two birthday meals and a surprise birthday party with my sweet primary girls.


I didn't use to think that birthdays for grownups were very important, or maybe just not for me, but recently I have had the awakening that it is an opportunity for us to show our love and caring for one another.

I was totally jazzed by all the attention I got today just because it was the day of my birth. Of course the BRIGHT green shirt I was wearing didn't hurt in drawing attention to myself.

Birthday's are great!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Can It Realy Be True?

Ring, ring, "Who can that be at this hour of the morning?" It's March 28th, could it really be another snow day. Ugh!! "Yes", the friendly voice on the phone says, "No school today!" "Are you sure?" I ask.

Don't get me wrong, snow days are great the first two or three times I love them, but let's get real. We've already had 10 feet of snow this winter, do we really need more? But yes, apparently so.

I'm really appreciative of my zooming green "Crocodile Dundee" Subaru. It can take me anywhere and through anything, so I'm rarely snowed in. Out to lunch, shopping, visiting friends are all great snow day activities. All the old standbys like sledding, snowball fights, snowmen and snow forts are favorites as well. Then of course there is the shoveling. Gotta love plows and snow blowers!
This is the view out my kitchen window looking at my deck towards the street. What deck you say? The one under 3 feet of snow!! My kind home teachers had shoveled the first 3 feet of the white stuff a few weeks before.
Take heart though, spring really is here and this new white stuff will all melt off sometime in mid-July. Keep smiling :) and think summer!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's Only Just Begun!!

Well, here goes. YIKES! I have been stalking my friends blogs for several months now. It seems like such a great way to keep in touch. To laugh, and love and just generally enjoy the wit and humor of our daily lives. I've enjoyed celebrating life with all of you. Your blogs are uplifting and inspiring. I hope I can do as well.